Saturday, 16 November 2013

MRI's Complete

MRI's are complete!  Darryl is now ready for his surgery....he had an MRI done yesterday using the same MRI equipment that will be used throughout his surgery.  As he left the MRI room, he mentioned to the clerk that his poor, sick wife has been waiting for an urgent MRI for over a week.  The clerk managed to find my file buried in the bottom of a pile of papers.  Within 10 minutes, I got the call that an MRI had been booked for me.  We are learning through this process that we have to advocate for ourselves in order to move forward sometimes.  So I lay completely still for an entire hour this afternoon.  Laying still was hard, but easier then waiting.  It felt great to finally DO something about my cancer instead of just sitting at home thinking about it!  Darryl won't be getting results; the purpose of his MRI was to prepare for surgery.  I will get my results at my oncology appointment this coming Tuesday.  I'm very anxious about my appointment on will be the day where I find out how much of a fight I have ahead of me.  There is a very popular verse that people share when you are in a crisis:  "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds."  (Philippians 4:6&7).  It's really hard to not be anxious about Tuesday; I have to remind myself at least 100 times a day to not be anxious.  One way to lessen my anxiety is to make a list of my "requests" (I have many, but this is my "Tuesday short list")
*that the cancer has not spread
*that only surgery will be needed for treatment
*that surgery will be scheduled really soon
*that my blood clot will not complicate things
*that I will be assigned a compassionate doctor/medical team
*that I will be able to come home with a clear plan in place
I know God may not grant all of these requests, and I have to be okay with whatever comes my way, but I will remain hopeful!

Thank you to everyone who continues to support us in so many different ways.  All of your support does help.  You all give us hope.


  1. Shirley and Ross thompson16 November 2013 at 22:21

    what great news Melanie !! And doesn't God work in strange ways ?? for that miracle of your mri to be just when you needed it , We continue to pray for you all and your faith will take you all a long way . Think positive , =====

  2. praying for your family daily. Thanks for sharing your story. may you be blessed with God's peace

  3. Prayers are flowing your way as you anticipate what you'll hear tomorrow. May the peace that passes all understanding guard your hearts and minds in and through the Christ who lives in you.
