I'm home and feeling great! I had my first round of chemo and radiation today. I had kind nurses and everyone at cancer care was so lovely. Both treatments were relatively painless. My chemo took 90 minutes through an IV. I got offered cookies, pizza, juice all sorts of treats during my treatment. My radiation took about 5-10 minutes. I arrived early, and they just made room for me. I was only in the radiation clinic for a total of about 15 minutes. So far I feel good. I have felt no nausea; mind you they gave me ALOT of anti-nausea drugs, in fact they gave me these steroids that made me feel like superwoman for most of the afternoon. My mom even treated me to a cheese burger on the way home from the hospital; I was so hungry. Now I'm ready to sleep; feeling like I'm coming off my high. Thank you to everyone's prayers, kind words and messages. I read through them during chemo to help pass my time. I do truly feel like God's supernatural powers carried me through my night (I slept amazingly) and through my first day. I felt His awesome peace surrounding me through all of it. Only 4 chemos and 28 radiations left; just hoping the treatment is working!
We did get some concerning news today. There is a good possibility that Darryl's surgery will be bumped to the first or second week of January. We were supposed to get confirmation this evening, but didn't. We really hope things can go according to plan, my treatments were planned around/according to his surgery. He's had a lot of pain this week and especially today. So the sooner it can happen the better. We are trying our hardest to trust God that the right day will be chosen, but it's hard to be waiting again.
Sounds like you were treated like a Queen today. Glad that you feel great so far. Praying it will continue. We will continue to pray about Darryl's surgery too. Let's hope it does not get bumped. We love you guys! Hugs.
nothing like having a Mom there for you, glad all went well and hope it continues ,, Sorry to hear about Darryl and hoping the first date will still be available . Its so hard to wait,
DeleteWe keep praying for you all! The waiting game is hard and frustrating, but we know that He knows best and we can trust in that!